A checklist is an aid used to reduce failure that can be caused by the limits of human memory and attention. Checklists helps to ensure consistency and completeness when carrying out a project and there are many different types of checklists.


project checklist


In this article, we will take a look at what a general project checklist is, how to create a project management checklist with Sinnaps project planning app, a project closure checklist and a project transition plan checklist.  


What is a Project Checklist?


A project checklist is used to make sure that none of the items that you have included on the project planning checklist are forgotten or left without action. It serves as a reminder of what needs to be done and assurance of what has been done once the items are checked off the list.

Having a project initiation checklist allows you to have a mini plan of everything that you need to consider in one place. Grouping the various items on a project checklist allows for better comparative assessments of what you are doing. A project initiation checklist is a good idea as it allows you to plan out everything to be considered for the project from the beginning and to have the checklist to refer back to throughout the lifecycle of the project. As you advance, you can check completed items off the list much like a project plan created with project planning software.


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Scope Management Plan

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Creating a Project Management Checklist with Sinnaps


Creating a project plan with Sinnaps project management software can help serve you as a project checklist in itself. The updated version of the traditional Gantt chart, known as the Gantt flow clearly lays out the tasks to be completed as part of your project across a calendar structure defining what needs to be done and by when.



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Using the CPM method, Sinnaps calculates your projects critical path and highlights the tasks that are most critical to successful project completion. The most optimal workflow is also calculated and helps to show you and your project team members what needs to be done, in the order that it needs to be done and whether or not tasks are dependent on each other so that they can track their work as they move along.

The Kanban board is used to lay out the tasks that are being currently completed, have been completed and still need to be completed so that everyone can see the current project status. Once the tasks have been completed by team members that have been assigned to them, they can be easily validated, and the project plan is updated in real time. This serves as a project deliverables checklist in itself.


project checklist


If you need to create a project handover checklist excel document, you can also do so by using the various checklist templates available within the Sinnaps project management community. This can save you crucial amounts of time and effort when creating checklists.


Project Closure Checklist


Closing a project is a very significant part of the project lifecycle. After putting in so much time, effort and organisation in the project, the closure stage is critical to get right. The following project closure checklist will help to ensure that you close your project the right way:


  • Make sure deliverables have been delivered.
  • Organise all documentation with an ID, owner and issue date.

  • Close any open contracts or invoices.

  • Finalise all reports and analyse what worked and what didn’t.

  • Assign someone to manage the service or product you and your project team have produced after project closure.

  • Release any external resources formally and assign human resources to new projects.


Project Handover Checklist


When a project goes through a handover, there can be significant implications on the project, the project team and the handover group if not planned for correctly focusing a handover project planning transition checklist that includes some of the following points and issues:

  • Identify and manage key stakeholders, especially the group who will receive the project handover.
  • The date when the handover of the project will take place.
  • A communication plan.

  • Any potential change management issues and how they will be treated.
  • Identify someone on the project team that will act as the change agent.
  • Give appropriate training for the handover group.
  • Clear risk management plan.
  • Define clear roles and responsibilities for people taking on new work.



Lesson 3. Work realistically: how to go from ideal to realistic planning

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There are various project checklists that you can create to help plan out and track what you and your project team need to do. These project planning checklists can be created for different aspects of the project and at different project lifecycle stages. They are useful and important for effective project management. Try writing up a checklist for your projects with Sinnaps today and let us know what you think in the comments below! 😊

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