Quality control is the method by which entities review the quality of the factor involved in the production of products. Quality control is a vital part of quality management that is centered on meeting up with the required quality. Quality control tool is the system of maintaining the necessary standards in the production sector. Quality control is done with quality control tools by testing the sample of the production against the stipulated specification.


quality control tools

Quality Control Tools: Introduction


Globally, the task of ensuring quality in products is supervised by the ISO 9000; It is the set of international standard on quality management to assist companies in documenting the quality system elements that should be implemented in the maintenance of efficient quality control tools. The organization aid companies in satisfying their customers meet the regulatory requirements and fulfill continuous improvement in the production to ensure the quality of their products and services.

Quality control is enhanced through proper inspection because products will be subjected to visual examination. It is essential for quality control; it will detect flaws in the quality of the products such as crack or surface blemishes in the products. Most companies embrace mass production for the creation of parts and systems with identical dimensions and design.

However, in some cases, the products are not always uniform and this could be unsatisfactory to the consumers. Hence, quality control is carried out by companies to discover defects in the quality of their product.

In project management, quality control will require the project manager to inspect the work done to ensure it aligns with the objective of the project. It is essential for project managers to use quality control tools like Sinnaps, project management software, in their various projects.


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In the manufacturing sector, the quality control department usually performs the audit function within the scope of the company’s production areas such as:

  • Approve or reject the procedures, specifications, methods, and results.
  • Approve or reject the raw materials, packaging materials, packaging materials, labeling, and finished products.
  • Review every record of product for accuracy and completeness before distribution approval.
  • Create the procedures for revising the procedures and formulas.
  • Performance of the required test to ensure identity, purity, potency, and composition to prevent the contamination of the products to ensure that quality product is produced for the customers.


Quality control tools


These are tools used by organizations in carrying out quality control on their product. They are a fixed set of graphical techniques which are useful in troubleshooting issues related to quality. The tools are very effective in solving issues regarding quality in manufacturing. The tools are Check sheet, Control chart, Flowchart, Pareto chart, Histogram, Scatter diagram, and Cause and effect diagram.


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Quality Management tools


Most organizations use quality management tools to help monitor and manage quality initiatives. The quality management tools enable organizations to ensure that their product measure up to the required quality. The quality management tools are:

Flowchart: it is used in documenting the process flows; it is useful in the determination of bottlenecks in the work processes.

Check sheet: this is a quality management tool used for the collection of data. It is useful in tracking the numbers of times a particular incident occurs.

Cause and Effect Diagram: this will show the possible causes of the problem. The identification of the problem always precedes the use of the particular tool.

Pareto chart: this is a bar graph of data showcasing the largest number of frequencies to the smallest in the number of defects in the product so as to prioritize the improvement efforts.

Control chart: it is used in plotting data over time and to give a pictorial view of the movement of the data. The charts demonstrate the consistency of the data whether in high or low outliners in the occurrences of data. It monitors performance over time by viewing the variation in data points.

Histogram: these are bar chart pictures of data which display the patterns that fall within the typical process conditions. When there are changes in the process, it will trigger a new collection of data. The collection of between 50-75 data points will confirm the collection of an adequate number of points. With this, the detected patterns will help in understanding variation.

Scatter diagram: these are graphs that display the relationship between variables. The variables often depict the possible causes and effects.

Each of the quality management tools has peculiar advantages for specific situations and not all tools are used for every problem-solving in quality control.


Engineering tools list


These tools are what engineering use in undertaking their various assignments in engineering; these are the most essential hardware tools that engineers should have with them always. They are the following: Wrench Solutions, Jack Software, Saw Software, Jumper Cables, Flashlight, Pliers, Eye glasses, Hammer, Chisels, Metal files, Screwdrivers, Earmuffs, utility knife, calipers, and soldering iron. Engineering tools list include software like Sinnaps, project management software which can be used for the creation of simulation processes for their various projects. Others Excel, AutoCAD, Mathcad, Chemcad, Adapt Edge and Adapt Mat.


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Engineering measuring tools


Measurements are synonymous with engineering; engineers are fond of measuring certain parameters which are related to some devices or circuit such as voltage, resistance, current, and signals. The tools for measurement in engineering include multimeter, LCR meter, Oscilloscope, and Signal Generator.


Systems engineering tools


System engineering involves a lot of design, simulation, and modeling. System engineers are required to explore design options, optimization, and validation of designs, generation and management of vital information.

Sinnaps, project management software can be used by system engineers to undertake their process simulation, modeling, and design tasks. Others system engineering tools are context diagram, Function means Analysis, Functional Modeling, Holistic Requirements Model, Matrix Diagram, N2 Analysis, Need means Analysis and Functional Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.


Engineering workshop tools


An engineering workshop is a place where knowledge on the operations of various processes required for manufacturing and production is acquired. The tools used in the engineering workshop include Lathe machines, surface grinding machines, welding facilities, and milling machines.

Quality control tools are very important in any production and manufacturing because they will ensure that the product complies with the global standards in quality control. It is essential for a production company to integrate the effective control tools in their production processes, quality control tools like Sinnaps. It will allow proper inspection by reviewing the product to see that it meets the defined quality.

Quality control tools will allow the quality control team of an organization to properly analyze quality control processes because it involves simulation and modeling. Most of them are cloud-based making them reliable in saving quality control information. Also, they are effective in sharing of quality control information among the team members. The task of ensuring that your organization adheres strictly to the global practices in quality control is dependent on the nature of the quality control tool that you are using and huge premium must be placed on it.

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