Business Plan

In 30 days with Sinnaps, Project Managers can take charge of their projects, manage dependencies, reduce risks and quantify delays.

  • No additional costs
  • VIP training and support
  • Work better in 30 days
  • Personalised deployment
  • Dedicated consultant

Manage projects in your company without Excel

In just 30 days you can deploy an efficient way of working with Sinnaps, project management software for companies

Over 3,000 companies are already using this project management software



Let us train your team so they can manage projects professionally.


Assign work, optimising processes and keeping your team on the same path.


Save time using a common work plan for the whole organisation.


Real-time cost monitoring to ensure objectives are achieved.


    " ...Excellent tool to organize work and maintain clear goals. I have many things to do and I could not find a better tool to organize myself..."


    Alejandro Barros Financial analyst | Grupo Matriz
  • "...At last we have found an agile, intuitive project management tool, easy to handle by managers and project engineers..."


    David Sánchez Samat ingenieering / Owner

    "...It has helped me a lot to keep track of my activities and those of my team. It is an easy-to-use tool, used to manage time and resources associated with a project ..."

    Viviana López Oyarce SGS | Continuous Improvement Coordinator

    "...I really liked the platform. I've been using Jira and others similar ones and what I was looking for was something more visual and friendly, that allows me to organize the web development projects of my company..."


    Juan E. Drault Smarterix | Co founder

    "...After trying a lot, I have finally found an intelligent tool, easy to learn and use and above all, useful for planning and management of my company's projects. Sinnaps is very well thought out and that is noticed by users..."


    José de Domingo Bodas de cuento / Wedding designer

    "...I have worked in most cases with Microsoft Project, but I recognize that there are many professional alternatives now in our days, some of them much more usable and visual, such as Sinnaps..."


    Alejandro Pérez Ceolevel / CEO and founder

    "...I am very pleased with Sinnaps. Its an intuitive application, easy to use and understand for collaborators. Being able to export the timeline to Excel is a great success..."


    Salim Isaac Mexia Moetti / Head of ID dep

    "It's a very practical and easy to use management tool"


    Luis Martínez Monterry transport group / System analyst

    "...One of the things we like about Sinnaps is that it's very intuitive. The effort does not have to be done in knowing the tool, but to manage the project. For that reason, Sinnaps facilitates management as the tool does not turn into an additional inconvenience..."

    Ángel Nágera Wolf project / Trainer and consultant
  • "The coaching tool is wonderful because it helps you consider things you can forget to improve the project."              

    Twinkli B. System Administrator | Tata Consultancy Services

    "...Sinnaps allows you to start in a simple way, and increase increase chances of control with time and expertise.... In addition, it slowly progresses to implement personalized improvements.."


    Borja Barredo Microliquid / CEO
  • " ... My most sincere consideration for Sinnaps. We could not find an interface as simple and as clear. Fully recommended for an efficient project organization for both SMBs and Large Companies "  

    Daniel Pastor Marketingskraft Helfer in MR Congress Incentive
  •     "....Sinnaps has allowed us a better organization as well as meeting the goals in the established times, this has been fundamental in our expansion as a business."            

    María del Carmen Z. Technical Advisor | Colombia Agroforestal S.A.S

    "... its very easy to use without losing functionality or capacity ..."


    Guillermo Nicolás López Niproma / Technical Manager

    "...It is very easy to understand and very intuitive. At a glance you know what you need to do in all projects. In addition, you can also know the real expenses of resources..."


    Jesús Cuevas Plumágica / Managing Director

    "..There are always deviations on the initial planning. With Sinnaps, this task is simplified and makes everything easier..."

    Miguel Ángel Casquero Idiogram / Co-founder & CBDO

    " ... straighforward and not expensive compared to similar software".


    Mateusz van Schaik Owner/ Marketer | Creative Advantage

    "...Email is outdated in project management. It is essential to have logs and your work properly organized  in a management tool, for us this is possible thanks to Sinnaps..."


    Rafa Corell Indigraf / CEO and Founder
  •   " ... I am happy because before I was using Excel but without the dependency making changes was very time-consuming. I like the dependency between projects."  

    Bárbara Monserrat Ramos Biomedical Engineer | Biosingals IT
  • "... Sinnaps applies project management and cost techniques in a very easy way for our teams of children. As they say: "it's our compass".."  

    Primitivo Carranza Kids Kitcar association / Chairman

Features of the Business Plan

Improve the way you work in under 30 days

The most complicated part about deploying a new tool in a company is the cultural change attached to it. However, we can help you to nurture this new way of working. Our deployment project will guide your team so that, in just 30 days, your company will be getting the most out of the tool and working remotely, if required. All the business plans include a deployment plan. This will serve as your assessor, guiding you though the whole process.


Flat rate with no additional costs

All our business plans include:

  • Up to 50, 70 or 100 workers
  • Personalised training
  • Deployment project
  • VIP support
  • Ongoing monitoring
  • No per user costs or additional charges

Personalised training for the whole team

Let our consultant or Customer Success Manager (CSM) take care of all the training the team needs. What this means is, learning to use Sinnaps does not require extra effort. What is more, once the deployment projects is over, your company will continue to have access to the same CSM for any questions you may have, to comment on ideas and to continue providing training as and when necessary. Should your company need extra support, just pick up the phone and contact our CSM.


VIP support with extra resources to assist you

In addition to the recommendations from the Customer Success Manager, your company will have access to all these resources to speed up the learning curve for this new way of working:

  • Direct access to a specialised consultant
  • Support chat for the whole team
  • Exclusive content for businesses
  • Specific certificates for each user
  • 24-hour online support and help centre
  • YouTube channel with a 2-minute long mini-video
  • Online lessons to learn to use Sinnaps
  • Free project management course

Book a demo for your business

An “tailored” deployment plan to manage your business projects

We’ve done this with many companies. We know everyone has different needs. That is why we’ve designed a deployment project that adapts perfectly to the specific requirements of your company. This enables us to ensure that all your objectives are met, and the chances of success are maximised. What’s more, throughout the process, we make sure both the right steps are taken and the lead times are respected.


Manage several plans simultaneously

Each Business Plan comes with a number of ‘floating plans’ that can be assigned to whoever you want. For instance, share your projects with your clients or suppliers whenever necessary and for as long as required.

Easy and safe payment

Purchase your business plan through our platform. One annual payment covers all our services. Pay for your Business Plan using your normal credit/debit card or by PayPal. All payment details are protected by the very latest security certificates and against fraud by the main payment organisations. Payment protection includes the following: AVS CVV, Risk Threshold, 3D Secure, Geolocation and Device Information.

  • "The coaching tool is wonderful because it helps you consider things you can forget to improve the project."              

    Twinkli B. System Administrator | Tata Consultancy Services
  • "...At last we have found an agile, intuitive project management tool, easy to handle by managers and project engineers..."


    David Sánchez Samat ingenieering / Owner

    "...I really liked the platform. I've been using Jira and others similar ones and what I was looking for was something more visual and friendly, that allows me to organize the web development projects of my company..."


    Juan E. Drault Smarterix | Co founder

    "...After trying a lot, I have finally found an intelligent tool, easy to learn and use and above all, useful for planning and management of my company's projects. Sinnaps is very well thought out and that is noticed by users..."


    José de Domingo Bodas de cuento / Wedding designer

    "...I have worked in most cases with Microsoft Project, but I recognize that there are many professional alternatives now in our days, some of them much more usable and visual, such as Sinnaps..."


    Alejandro Pérez Ceolevel / CEO and founder

    "It's a very practical and easy to use management tool"


    Luis Martínez Monterry transport group / System analyst
  • " ... My most sincere consideration for Sinnaps. We could not find an interface as simple and as clear. Fully recommended for an efficient project organization for both SMBs and Large Companies "  

    Daniel Pastor Marketingskraft Helfer in MR Congress Incentive

    " ...Excellent tool to organize work and maintain clear goals. I have many things to do and I could not find a better tool to organize myself..."


    Alejandro Barros Financial analyst | Grupo Matriz

    "..There are always deviations on the initial planning. With Sinnaps, this task is simplified and makes everything easier..."

    Miguel Ángel Casquero Idiogram / Co-founder & CBDO

    "...One of the things we like about Sinnaps is that it's very intuitive. The effort does not have to be done in knowing the tool, but to manage the project. For that reason, Sinnaps facilitates management as the tool does not turn into an additional inconvenience..."

    Ángel Nágera Wolf project / Trainer and consultant

    " ... straighforward and not expensive compared to similar software".


    Mateusz van Schaik Owner/ Marketer | Creative Advantage
  • "... Sinnaps applies project management and cost techniques in a very easy way for our teams of children. As they say: "it's our compass".."  

    Primitivo Carranza Kids Kitcar association / Chairman
  •   " ... I am happy because before I was using Excel but without the dependency making changes was very time-consuming. I like the dependency between projects."  

    Bárbara Monserrat Ramos Biomedical Engineer | Biosingals IT
  •     "....Sinnaps has allowed us a better organization as well as meeting the goals in the established times, this has been fundamental in our expansion as a business."            

    María del Carmen Z. Technical Advisor | Colombia Agroforestal S.A.S

    "...Email is outdated in project management. It is essential to have logs and your work properly organized  in a management tool, for us this is possible thanks to Sinnaps..."


    Rafa Corell Indigraf / CEO and Founder

    "...It is very easy to understand and very intuitive. At a glance you know what you need to do in all projects. In addition, you can also know the real expenses of resources..."


    Jesús Cuevas Plumágica / Managing Director

    "...Sinnaps allows you to start in a simple way, and increase increase chances of control with time and expertise.... In addition, it slowly progresses to implement personalized improvements.."


    Borja Barredo Microliquid / CEO

    "...It has helped me a lot to keep track of my activities and those of my team. It is an easy-to-use tool, used to manage time and resources associated with a project ..."

    Viviana López Oyarce SGS | Continuous Improvement Coordinator

    "... its very easy to use without losing functionality or capacity ..."


    Guillermo Nicolás López Niproma / Technical Manager

    "...I am very pleased with Sinnaps. Its an intuitive application, easy to use and understand for collaborators. Being able to export the timeline to Excel is a great success..."


    Salim Isaac Mexia Moetti / Head of ID dep

What does the Business Plan configuration process involve?

Configuring your Business Plan is a very easy process comprising two initial steps: specifying the company domain (LINK) which you want connected to your Business Plan; and assigning the floating plans (LINK) included in the Plan.

What is the company domain?

Your Business Plan is linked to a company domain, which is used to assign the Business plans to various users. Each plan for your Business will be assigned automatically to the users who have an email for the specific domain, once their Sinnaps account is opened. If they don’t have an account, one must be created, and the Business Plans assigned (up to the entirety of the plans).

How are ‘floating plans’ assigned?

In ‘manage plans’ in your Sinnaps profile you can access your 10 ‘floating plans’. Enter the email of the user to whom you wish to assign the plan in each of these plans. If the person to whom you wish to assign a floating plan already has an account, they will automatically receive an email informing them of the assignment; if not, they will need to create an account. By each of the plans, you’ll find the ‘Options’ button, where you can ‘reassign’ the plan whenever you want.

Can I assign plans to people outside my company?

Yes, that’s why there are ‘floating plans’! If you work with people outside your organisation, you have up to 10 Business Plans ‘Floating Plans’ which can be assigned to whoever you wish outside your company. You can free up this plan when you deem it appropriate and reassign it to someone else from the ‘Manage Plans’ section in your Sinnaps profile.

Can I ask for more ‘floating plans’?

At Sinnaps, we have designed the Business Plan to have up to 10 ‘Floating Plans’, though if you wish to personalise your Business Plan, then please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be delighted to help.

What happens if I have several company domains?

El Plan Business va asociado a un dominio de empresa. En casos particulares, como tener más de un dominio de empresa, ponte en contacto con nosotros a través de [email protected] y te ayudaremos en lo que necesites.

I don’t need that many ‘floating plans’

If you don’t need 10 ‘floating’ plans’ and want to assign them to people in your organisation, then they can be manually assigned to whoever you want. Go to ‘Manage Plans’ and enter the email of the person(s) to whom you wish to assign the plans. Remember that if that person already has a Sinnaps account, a plan can be linked to them; otherwise, they need to open an account.

Cancelling the recurring payment

You can cancel the recurring payment for your plan from ‘Manager Plans’. Besides your Business Plan there is an options button; there you can cancel the automatic renewal payment.

How are the Business Plans shared out?

Business plans are automatically assigned when purchased to all users who already have an account with Sinnaps in the same company domain entered when configuring your Business Plan. Users who create an account in the company domain after your Business Plan has been configured will then be assigned a Business Plan (until all plans are taken). You can manage your Business Plans from the ‘Manage Plans’ section on the Sinnaps platform.

When can I ask for an invoice?

Your invoice is available as soon as you have purchased your plan. Go to ‘Settings’ from your Sinnaps profile. Click on ‘Create Invoice’ to configure the details of your invoice. Once the details are entered, click on ‘Download Invoice’.

Can I get more plans?

Increase the number of plans in your Business Plan by going to your Sinnaps profile. In the ‘Manage Plans’ section, select all the users you want to include in your Business Plan. Remember your Business Plan can include up to 50, 70 or 100 users.

Will I need training?

El Plan Business incluye formación personalizada para toda tu organización (revisa este artículo donde podrás ver nuestra formación).

Is there a contact person for my company?

The Business Plan comes with a Sinnaps agent who is responsible for both deployment and training (check out this article where you can find out about our training). Feel free to contact them at any time for any issues you may have. Both you and your team can contact the assigned Sinnaps consultant.

Will I get help in deploying Sinnaps in my company?

The Business Plan comes with personalised training for the whole organisation (check out this article where you can find out about our training).with an agent assigned to deploy Sinnaps for your team or organisation, proposing a personalised plan for your company.

What is VIP support?

A person responsible for deployment, personalised training and ongoing monitoring of the Business Plan deployment process in your company. They will answer any questions, resolve any incidents and respond to any matters related to training in and deployment of this project management software for companies.

Book a demo for your business