One very crucial aspect of any business is its people. Yes, the people who perform the daily tasks of ensuring that the business remain above water – its employees. Therefore, it is desirable that employees who are the major assets of an organization work together in such a way as to enable them contribute equally as a collective unit towards realizing the goals and set targets of their organization, this is what employee relationship management is about.


employee relationship management


It is common knowledge that no meaningful progress is made in strife, thus, businesses cannot afford to have its employees engrossed in conflicts or misunderstandings. In fact, it is much desired that employees in a workplace share common warm relationship and are comfortable with each other.


This therefore brings us to the question: What is Employee Relationship Management?


Since we already defined what an employee is, we can go further to understand what the term “relationship management” is, so we can reconcile them all together.

Employee relationship management entails a system by which employers bring people together on a common platform, effectively overseeing the relationship between these individuals, and ultimately guiding them towards the realization of organization’s set goals and objectives, in an atmosphere devoid of strife and rancor.

This article is meant to expose you to the ways you can leverage online applications – Sinnaps online project management tool and a host of other free online platforms to perform the role of a relationship manager to better manage your employees as well as customers for improved productivity and growth.


Related link…

Project Overview for your employee management strategies

Customer Relationship Management Software


All small businesses strive for one thing – growth. Even while striving for greater exposure, increased sales as well as bigger employee, businesses quickly come to realize that all these come with certain responsibilities including but not limited to the need for better organization skill, as well as improved customer engagements which provide a much more streamlined process for your business.

These and many more reasons inform the current trend of events which has seen more and more businesses relying solely on customer relationship marketing with the aid of customer relationship management software to plan marketing strategies in a collaborative setting which allows them to invite clients, communicate with them as they engage in this very important process of employee performance management as well as building customer relationship in business, as it provides an avenue for organizing data in a way that works for your benefit.

Customer relationship management software afford companies to make use of their client data as well as feedback to develop long-term relationships with their customers, and in so doing, they develop laser-focused brand awareness.


Employee Management System


These are online/cloud-based systems which have been developed to support the relationship between a company and its employees. These platforms focus on helping employers get more out of their employees through a system that guides employees to collaborate on tasks with their employers.

While employee and customer relationship management processes help to bring sanity to the business place, they’re often not as easy as they would seem. This is why a greater number of businesses today are switching to employee relationship management systems to complement their in-house customer relationship management strategies. This system of employee management encourage input from both sides (employer and employee alike), aligning the interest of both parties create a streamlined flow that keeps everyone abreast of all day-to-day business functions.



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Employee Relationship Management


Your employee/customer relationship management strategy is directly proportional to the reputation of your entire outfit. Let’s consider real-life employee relations examples: say, you enter an outlet (a shopping outlet), a sales person is expected to offer you some assistance regarding your shopping.

When you’re done, you’re directed to the billing station where another employee attends to you and finally, your goods are conveyed in a cart to the parking lot where your car is waiting. All the coordination and synergy wouldn’t be possible in the face of strife. That is why most HR employee relations departments in businesses strive to get their acts right at all times – the entire business depends on it.

With a plethora of free cloud-based systems now readily available to employers, there remains no excuse for failure when it comes to successfully managing employees.


Employee Management


More enterprises have realized the need to put their customers at the center of their marketing strategies in a bid to foster customer loyalty. To do this, they need focused and productivity-driven employees. The problem – these sort of people do not simply fall from the sky – they’re brought in almost empty, trained, motivated and brought to a point where they can build trust with their customers. Thus, employee management encompasses the efforts as put in by managers to bring their employees up to speed in a bid to achieving all the goals of the organization. The processes of partner relationship management include the following:

  • Selection: Finding/hiring the right candidates to fill positions
  • Monitoring: Constantly measuring employee performance
  • Interaction: Daily exchange between a manager and his employees as well as peers to foster organization culture, job expectations, feedbacks, etc.
  • Reward: Offering incentive to encourage excellence among employees. May include praise, recognition, monetary prize, etc.
  • Discipline: Measures undertaken to improve low performance, correct misgivings as well as enforce company standards or policies.


Managing workload of several people can be a very challenging task. It takes an employer who knows his employees to take the time out to lead them in a direction which will yield fruitful results.


Manage your teams’ resources and workload



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This is why project managers need collaborative software like Sinnaps in order to properly plan, coordinate and distribute work among employees with an even greater control of work being performed by team members. Besides, you can find here more info about Best Employee Management Software.


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Employee Engagement Initiatives

Employee Retention

Employee Scheduling Software

Employee Productivity

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