Online Project Management Report

Habits and app usage

See Sinnaps annual Project Management study in PDF

Results from the survey conducted with over 500 sector professionals around the world

Engineering Projects

Presenting the demands from many sector professionals. Suitable management of collaborators has become vital in this area; one of the major dilemmas is the need to plan and organise work, above even cost management and detecting variances.

Discover the characteristics and current needs of 100s of engineers.

Communication & Marketing

If you manage Communication and Marketing, this will be of interest: did you know that one of the great failings of marketing projects is the lack of professionalism in the management side of things?

Your team is always calling for online tools that can show you what to do each day to meet your deadlines. It’s that simple! Find out more about your team’s needs by downloading this PDF.


Business and IT consultancy firms are calling for changes in the management of their online projects.

Discover how to improve and optimise the work of your whole team to leave your clients satisfied every day.

Additionally, using a tool that provides suitable management of the various collaborators involved in consultancy may be the key to success in many projects. And that is the belief held by hundreds of sector professionals.

Education and Training

There is an increasing demand among training centres and students for vocational training in Project Management.

Luckily, this professional upgrade has begun in schools with easy-to-use tools which can be quickly put into effect among groups of students.

Research: R&D&I

Research and development projects can last for several years. That is why it is vital to optimise each task performed by the team. Changes in delivery schedules and budgetary restraints mean that management of this type of project needs to be in line with the current climate.

Discover the characteristics and needs of hundreds of professionals whose goal is to improve our lives through innovation.

Chemical Industry & Cosmetics

The management of pharmaceutical and cosmetic production within the chemical sector involves collaboration across development, production, logistics and sales teams. Coordinating these relationships, low budgets and deadlines can often be chaotic.

That is why many professionals from the sector are looking at these requirements every day; they feel that optimising the management of their projects will see greater success in their business.

Banking & Finance

Banking and finance companies use online applications. Their data are safe and, at the same time, accessible from anywhere. This can be appreciated from the increasing demand from many teams looking to use this type of online tool.

Budgetary assessment, cost monitoring, project oversight and all sorts of reports are the key to suitably processing data.

Find out what this group of professionals thinks!


    "...Sinnaps allows you to start in a simple way, and increase increase chances of control with time and expertise.... In addition, it slowly progresses to implement personalized improvements.."


    Borja Barredo Microliquid / CEO
  • " ... My most sincere consideration for Sinnaps. We could not find an interface as simple and as clear. Fully recommended for an efficient project organization for both SMBs and Large Companies "  

    Daniel Pastor Marketingskraft Helfer in MR Congress Incentive

    "It's a very practical and easy to use management tool"


    Luis Martínez Monterry transport group / System analyst

    "... its very easy to use without losing functionality or capacity ..."


    Guillermo Nicolás López Niproma / Technical Manager

    "...It has helped me a lot to keep track of my activities and those of my team. It is an easy-to-use tool, used to manage time and resources associated with a project ..."

    Viviana López Oyarce SGS | Continuous Improvement Coordinator
  •     "....Sinnaps has allowed us a better organization as well as meeting the goals in the established times, this has been fundamental in our expansion as a business."            

    María del Carmen Z. Technical Advisor | Colombia Agroforestal S.A.S

    "...I have worked in most cases with Microsoft Project, but I recognize that there are many professional alternatives now in our days, some of them much more usable and visual, such as Sinnaps..."


    Alejandro Pérez Ceolevel / CEO and founder

    "...Email is outdated in project management. It is essential to have logs and your work properly organized  in a management tool, for us this is possible thanks to Sinnaps..."


    Rafa Corell Indigraf / CEO and Founder

    "...It is very easy to understand and very intuitive. At a glance you know what you need to do in all projects. In addition, you can also know the real expenses of resources..."


    Jesús Cuevas Plumágica / Managing Director
  •   " ... I am happy because before I was using Excel but without the dependency making changes was very time-consuming. I like the dependency between projects."  

    Bárbara Monserrat Ramos Biomedical Engineer | Biosingals IT

    " ...Excellent tool to organize work and maintain clear goals. I have many things to do and I could not find a better tool to organize myself..."


    Alejandro Barros Financial analyst | Grupo Matriz

    "..There are always deviations on the initial planning. With Sinnaps, this task is simplified and makes everything easier..."

    Miguel Ángel Casquero Idiogram / Co-founder & CBDO

    "...One of the things we like about Sinnaps is that it's very intuitive. The effort does not have to be done in knowing the tool, but to manage the project. For that reason, Sinnaps facilitates management as the tool does not turn into an additional inconvenience..."

    Ángel Nágera Wolf project / Trainer and consultant
  • "...At last we have found an agile, intuitive project management tool, easy to handle by managers and project engineers..."


    David Sánchez Samat ingenieering / Owner

    " ... straighforward and not expensive compared to similar software".


    Mateusz van Schaik Owner/ Marketer | Creative Advantage
  • "The coaching tool is wonderful because it helps you consider things you can forget to improve the project."              

    Twinkli B. System Administrator | Tata Consultancy Services

    "...After trying a lot, I have finally found an intelligent tool, easy to learn and use and above all, useful for planning and management of my company's projects. Sinnaps is very well thought out and that is noticed by users..."


    José de Domingo Bodas de cuento / Wedding designer

    "...I really liked the platform. I've been using Jira and others similar ones and what I was looking for was something more visual and friendly, that allows me to organize the web development projects of my company..."


    Juan E. Drault Smarterix | Co founder
  • "... Sinnaps applies project management and cost techniques in a very easy way for our teams of children. As they say: "it's our compass".."  

    Primitivo Carranza Kids Kitcar association / Chairman

    "...I am very pleased with Sinnaps. Its an intuitive application, easy to use and understand for collaborators. Being able to export the timeline to Excel is a great success..."


    Salim Isaac Mexia Moetti / Head of ID dep

Control your projects

Manage projects, reduce risks, avoid delays, eliminate overspending and improve coordination

Project Management Blog

Project Plan Example: Easy and Complete

Project Plan Example: Easy and Complete

In reality, to fail to plan is to plan to fail; the same thing goes for project management because a project done without a solid plan spells doom. A project plan sets the project on the part of [...]

What is a Project Plan Template?

What is a Project Plan Template?

Projects are complex, some more than others. The importance of project planning cannot be ignored if you hope to complete your project and reach its objectives successfully. There are many ways [...]

What is network diagram in Project Management?

What is network diagram in Project Management?

You may wonder, what is a project network diagram? Project management is all about planning hot a path taking into consideration your budget, your resources, your objective and your team. [...]