Project management is being revolutionised by a new generation of tools
Current Project Management is constantly changing; proof of this lies in the use of a mixture of seemingly incompatible techniques. Just a few years ago nobody could have imagined combining an agile method through the Gantt Chart.
Innovation feeds evolution. That is why we must ask: what if we could bring together predictive and agile methods? Do the shortest, most systematic projects – governed by Gantt scheduling – not get affected by last minute setbacks?
Many project managers find themselves in a position of choosing a single technique. But with on-line systems like Sinnaps things have become a whole lot easier. It uses techniques based on PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Techniques) and CPM (Critical Path Method) to obtain a variation on the Gantt Chart known as the Gantt-Flow.
In this fashion, we obtain a graph that contemplates interdependence between activities, total project duration and optimal work flow for a realistic management of minimised risks. Thus, the Gantt-Flow benefits from the revolutionary effects of PERT and CPM, while these techniques simplify matters – providing easier, more intuitive management.
All thanks to Project Management with the most innovative Gantt. This is technology that solves all project hassles with a high degree of uncertainty, where setbacks are the order of the day, requiring regular/constant reviews and alterations.