Recent technology innovations have been booming. Innovation and technology are at the centre of development and advancement for our society and in this article, we will cover new technology inventions, new innovative ideas for projects, which can be supported by Sinnaps, one of the most useful project management tools and examples of new technology in the world.


Innovative Technology Solutions


What is Innovative Technology?


Technological innovations or innovative technology refers to the creation of new products and processes including significant technological changes or using innovative technology. If and when an innovation is introduced into the market, it is considered as implemented. Technology is advancing at an ever-growing rate, producing new, innovative ideas in technology every day.


New Technology Inventions


Innovations are often centred around improving products and meeting the demands of consumers closely. The following technological innovation examples show just how this is done:

  • Most coffee drinkers are aware of how the temperature of the drink affects its taste. Some estimates suggest that people only have 37 seconds to enjoy their coffee at its ideal temperature. Ember technologies set out to solve this issue and invented the stainless-steel Ember mug. Its ceramic coating keeps coffee or tea at an exact temperature which is set using an app for an hour!
  • Navigation for the blind can be a difficult task. Millions of people are legally blind, and eSight 3 is one of the innovative inventions offering a solution to mimic actual vision. Users simply put on the eSight 3 glasses, they record a HD video and then use magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms to enhance the imagery into something that the legally blind can see.


Some recommendations…

Innovative Business Solutions

Agile Sprint

Example of innovations


New Innovative Ideas for Projects


Projects are carried out every day by organisations. It is a good idea to look at developing some innovative ideas for projects. If you and your team wish to pursue a new advanced technology, but don’t have all the knowledge, a technology innovation agency is a place that offer consulting and support services for organisations looking to develop innovation technology solutions. Some potential new innovative ideas for project include:


  • Automatic solar tracker
  • Finger print security system
  • Solar powered mobile charging system
  • Oxygen /carbon dioxide level indicators in car


Whatever innovative idea you decide to pursue, try planning the project with Sinnaps easy-to-use and intuitive software. It will clearly map out your workflow while automatically calculating the critical path of your tasks. You can easily delegate team members to tasks and monitor the progress of your project with the help of KPIs and the various communicative tools included in the software.


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Top Technological Innovations


Some of the recent technological advances have brought great benefits to both people and organisations in terms of time and effort-saving abilities and efficiency. Here are some examples of some of the latest technology in information technology:

  • 3-D printing has long been regarded as one of the top technological innovations and in 2017, Markforged released the first 3-D metal printer for $10,000. Other start-ups have also developed products using similar technologies making it easier for people to use metal prototyping machines. These machines are 100 times faster than older methods of metal printing. Users tell the program the specs of the object they want to print, and the software then produces a computer model suitable for printing.   
  • Sensing City Breakthrough is a state-of-the-art digital technology based on sensors and data capturing that could make cities smart cities. This would mean that urban areas would be more affordable, environmentally friendly and liveable. Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto are the pioneers of this technological invention.


Examples of New Technology in the World


Recent innovations in technology have allowed us to look at potential solutions to world problems such as climate change. The following list of innovations includes examples of new technology in the world:


  • Innovative information technologies have helped to develop ‘AI for Everybody’. Microsoft is planning to team up with Amazon to offer Gluon, which will be an open-source deep-learning library. This platform will make neural nets which is an AI technology that mimics how the brain learns.


  • Natural gas is a cheap and readily available source of electricity and although cleaner than coal, it still produces a high level of carbon emissions. There is a pilot power plant right outside Houston that is testing an innovative technology that could make clean energy from gas. Net Power believes that this technology could generate power at least as cheaply as standard natural-gas plants and capture essentially all the carbon dioxide released in the process.

Innovative technology solutions will continue to bring great benefits to our world by increasing our living standards, creating jobs and helping to solve real world problems.

It is important to plan out carefully any new innovative project using an effective project planning platform such as Sinnaps, created on app innovation technologies and making your projects more effective and efficient. Try it for yourself today and leave us a comment with some of your favourite recent technological innovation! 😊


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Wrike Alternative



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New Innovations

Incremental Innovation

Innovation in the workplace

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